<%@ Language="VBScript"%> <% Call fSetDBCon() Call fSetRs() const alllistsize = 10 const alllistsize1 = 3 dim datalist nodata = true Set objStrCut = new StrCut page = ReplaceQueryString(Request("page")) keyword = ReplaceQueryString(Request("keyword")) keyfield = ReplaceQueryString(Request("keyfield")) cat = ReplaceQueryString(Request("cat")) strSQL = "select bl.no, bl.attfile_no " strSQL = strSQL & ", bl.subject, bl.create_date" strSQL = strSQL & ", bl.cnt, bl.create_name" strSQL = strSQL & ", bl.depth, bl.lang_type" strSQL = strSQL & ", bl.cat_no, bc.cat_name" strSQL = strSQL & " from board_list bl, board_cat bc" strSQL = strSQL & " where bl.section='faq'" strSQL = strSQL & " and bl.lang_type=1 and bl.cat_no=bc.no" strSQL = strSQL & " and bl.delete_checkYN='N'" 'Response.Write strSQL if not (keyword = "") and not (keyfield = "") then strSQL = strSQL & " and "&keyword& " like '%"&keyfield&"%'" strSQL = strSQL & " order by bl.no desc" else if not (cat = "") then strSQL = strSQL & " and bc.cat_name = '"&cat&"'" strSQL = strSQL & " order by bl.no desc" else strSQL = strSQL & " order by bl.no desc" end if end if objRs.CursorLocation=3 objRs.Open strSQL,objDBCon,1 if not (objRs.EOF or objRs.BOF) then nodata = false if nodata = false then qString = "keyfield="&fStrUrlEncode(keyField)&"&keyword="&fStrUrlEncode(KeyWord) objRs.PageSize = alllistsize totalRecord = objRs.RecordCount cPage = page if page <> "" Then if cPage < 1 Then cPage = 1 end if else page = 1 cPage = 1 end if objRs.AbsolutePage = cPage lastpg = int(((totalRecord -1) / objRs.PageSize) + 1) if page > lastpg then page = lastpg end if datalist = objRs.getRows end if fRsRelease() strsQL = "select bl.subject,bc.cat_name,bl.no from board_list bl, board_cat bc where bl.faq_checkYN='Y' and bl.lang_type=1 and bl.delete_checkYN='N' and bl.cat_no=bc.no order by bl.no" objRs.Open strsQL,objDBCon if not (objRs.eof or objRs.bof) then datalist1 = objRs.getRows fRsRelease() strsQL="select cat_name from board_cat where section='faq' and lang_type=1" objRs.Open strsQL,objDBCon if not (objRs.eof or objRs.bof) then datalist2 = objRs.getRows fRsRelease() eIndex = totalRecord - (cPage-1)*alllistsize + 1 sIndex = eindex - alllistsize strsQL = "select TOP "&alllistsize&" * from ( select TOP "&eIndex&" * from (SELECT DISTINCT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM board_list e2 WHERE e2.no <= e.no and section='faq' and delete_checkYN='N' and lang_type=1) AS rownumber FROM board_list e) sub1 WHERE rownumber < "&eIndex&") sub2 where rownumber >="&sIndex&" order by rownumber desc" objRs.Open strsQL,objDBCon if not (objRs.eof or objRs.bof) then rnum = objRs(0) fRsRelease() fObjDestroy() %> ::: songdo u.life :::

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<%if isarray(datalist1) then%> <%for i = 0 to ubound(datalist1,2)%> <%if not (i < alllistsize1) then exit for %> <%next%> <%End if%>
NO Catagory Title Date View
<%if isarray(datalist) then%> <%for i = 0 to ubound(datalist,2)%> <%if not (i < alllistsize) then exit for %> <%next%> <%End if%>
<%=rnum-i%> <%=datalist(9,i)%>   <%=objStrCut.strTitleCut(datalist(2,i),40)%> <%=FormatDateTime(datalist(3,i),2)%> <%=datalist(4,i)%>
<% xptimg = "" xntimg = "= cint(lastpg) then xntimg = xntimg xntimg = xntimg & ">" %>
<% Set objStrCut = nothing %>