<%@ Language="VBScript" Codepage="949"%> <% Call fSetDBCon() Call fSetRs() dim datalist dim datalist1 const alllistsize = 4 nodata = True Set objStrCut = new StrCut 'const nowData = FormatDateTime(now(),2); strSQL="select no,subject,create_date,section,up_date from board_list where (section='notice' or section='press') and delete_checkYN='N' and lang_type=1 order by no desc" objRs.Open strSQL,objDBCon if not (objRs.eof or objRs.bof) then datalist = objRs.getRows fRsRelease() strSQL="select bl.no,bl.subject,bc.cat_name,bl.create_date from board_list bl, board_cat bc where bl.delete_checkYN='N' and bl.lang_type=1 and bl.cat_no=bc.no order by bl.no desc" objRs.Open strSQL,objDBCon if not (objRs.eof or objRs.bof) then datalist1 = objRs.getRows fRsRelease() %> ::: songdo u.life :::
<%if isarray(datalist) then%> <%for i = 0 to ubound(datalist,2)%> <%if not (i < alllistsize) then exit for %> <%if datalist(3,i)="notice" then custom = "NOTICE" else if datalist(3,i)="press" then custom = "PRESS" end if end if%> <%if datalist(4,i)<>"" then%> <%else%> <%end if%> <%next%> <%End if%>
[<%=custom%>] <%=objStrCut.strTitleCut(datalist(1,i),11)%> <% yymmdd = datalist(2,i) if datediff ("h",yymmdd,Now()) < 24 then %> <% end if %> <%=FormatDateTime(datalist(4,i),2)%><%=FormatDateTime(datalist(2,i),2)%>
<%if isarray(datalist1) then%> <%for i = 0 to ubound(datalist1,2)%> <%if not (i < alllistsize) then exit for %> <%next%> <%End if%>
[<%=datalist1(2,i)%>] <%=objStrCut.strTitleCut(datalist1(1,i),15)%> <% yymmdd = datalist1(3,i) if datediff ("h",yymmdd,Now()) < 24 then %> <% end if %>
<% Set objStrCut = nothing %>